Module cairo.cairo

This module contains wrappers for most of cairo's fuctionality. Additional wrappers for subsets of cairo are available in the cairo.* modules.


Most cairoD functions could throw an OutOfMemoryError. This is therefore not explicitly stated in the functions' api documenation.

See Also


Name Description
formatStrideForWidth This function provides a stride value that will respect all alignment requirements of the accelerated image-rendering code within cairo.
point Convenience function to create a Point!int or Point!double.
rectangle Convenience function to create a Rectangle!int or Rectangle!double.
size Convenience function to create a Size!int or Size!double.
throwError Mainly used internally by cairoD. If status is CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY a OutOfMemoryError is thrown. If status is CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS nothing happens. For all other statuses, this functions throws a CairoException with the status value.
toCairoCount Convert a size_t as given from a D arrays .length property to a cairo count type (int).


Name Description
CairoException Exception thrown by cairoD if an error occurs.
Device Devices are the abstraction Cairo employs for the rendering system used by a Surface. You can get the device of a surface using Surface.getDevice().
FontFace Base class for font faces
Gradient Base class for LinearGradient and RadialGradient.
ImageSurface Image Surfaces — Rendering to memory buffers
LinearGradient A linear gradient.
Pattern A Pattern represents a source when drawing onto a Surface. There are different subtypes of Pattern, for different types of sources; for example, SolidPattern.fromRGB creates a pattern for a solid opaque color.
RadialGradient A radial gradient.
ScaledFont Font face at particular size and options
SolidPattern A solid pattern.
Surface Surface is the abstract type representing all different drawing targets that cairo can render to. The actual drawings are performed using a cairo context.
SurfacePattern A surface pattern.
ToyFontFace Cairo toy font api's FontFace


Name Description
Box A simple struct representing a box. Used for Extents.
ClipRange RandomAccessRange to iterate or index into Clips of a Cairo Region. This range keeps a reference to its Region object, so it can be passed around without thinking about memory management.
Context The cairo drawing context
FontOptions FontOptions - How a font should be rendered
Matrix Wrapper for cairo's cairo_matrix_t. A cairo_matrix_t holds an affine transformation, such as a scale, rotation, shear, or a combination of those. The transformation of a point (x, y) is given by:
Path Reference counted wrapper around cairo_path_t. This struct can only be obtained from cairoD. It cannot be created manually.
PathElement An element of a cairo Path and the objects iterated by a PathRange.
PathRange ForwardRange to iterate a cairo path. This range keeps a reference to its Path object, so it can be passed around without thinking about memory management.
Point A simple struct to store the coordinates of a point as doubles or integers.
Rectangle A simple struct representing a rectangle with int or double values
Resolution A simple struct representing a resolution
RGB Struct representing a RGB color
RGBA Struct representing a RGBA color
Size A simple struct representing a size with only int or double values
TextGlyph The mapping between utf8 and glyphs is provided by an array of clusters. Each cluster covers a number of text bytes and glyphs, and neighboring clusters cover neighboring areas of utf8 and glyphs. The clusters should collectively cover utf8 and glyphs in entirety.
Version Cairo version information


Name Type Description
AntiAlias cairo_antialias_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
Content cairo_content_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
DeviceType cairo_device_type_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
Extend cairo_extend_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
FillRule cairo_fill_rule_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
Filter cairo_filter_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
FontExtents cairo_font_extents_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
FontSlant cairo_font_slant_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
FontType cairo_font_type_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
FontWeight cairo_font_weight_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
Format cairo_format_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
Glyph cairo_glyph_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
HintMetrics cairo_hint_metrics_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
HintStyle cairo_hint_style_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
LineCap cairo_line_cap_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
LineJoin cairo_line_join_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
Operator cairo_operator_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
PathElementType cairo_path_data_type_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
PatternType cairo_pattern_type_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
RegionOverlap cairo_region_overlap_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
SubpixelOrder cairo_subpixel_order_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
SurfaceType cairo_surface_type_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
TextCluster cairo_text_cluster_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
TextClusterFlags cairo_text_cluster_flags_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.
TextExtents cairo_text_extents_t Aliases for simple cairo enums and structs. Theses aliases provide D-like names when using the cairoD API.


Johannes Pfau cairoD
Andrej Mitrovic cairoD
cairo team cairo



cairoD wrapper/bindings Boost License 1.0
cairo LGPL 2.1 / MPL 1.1