Class Device

Devices are the abstraction Cairo employs for the rendering system used by a Surface. You can get the device of a surface using Surface.getDevice().

Devices are created using custom functions specific to the rendering system you want to use. See the documentation for the surface types for those functions.

An important function that devices fulfill is sharing access to the rendering system between Cairo and your application. If you want to access a device directly that you used to draw to with Cairo, you must first call Device.flush() to ensure that Cairo finishes all operations on the device and resets it to a clean state.

Cairo also provides the functions Device.acquire() and Device.release() to synchronize access to the rendering system in a multithreaded environment. This is done internally, but can also be used by applications.

Inherits from

  • Object (base class)


Name Description
this Create a Device from a existing cairo_device_t*. Device is a garbage collected class. It will call cairo_pattern_destroy when it gets collected by the GC or when dispose() is called.


Name Description
acquire Acquires the device for the current thread. This function will block until no other thread has acquired the device.
finish This function finishes the device and drops all references to external resources. All surfaces, fonts and other objects created for this device will be finished, too. Further operations on the device will not affect the device but will instead trigger a CAIRO_STATUS_DEVICE_FINISHED exception.
flush Finish any pending operations for the device and also restore any temporary modifications cairo has made to the device's state. This function must be called before switching from using the device with Cairo to operating on it directly with native APIs. If the device doesn't support direct access, then this function does nothing.
getType This function returns the C type of a Device. See DeviceType for available types.
release Releases a device previously acquired using Device.acquire(). See that function for details.
checkError Method for use in subclasses. Calls cairo_device_status(nativePointer) and throws an exception if the status isn't CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS


Name Description
type Convenience alias


Name Description
CairoCountedClass!(cairo_device_t*, "cairo_device_")


Please refer to the documentation of each backend for additional usage requirements, guarantees provided, and interactions with existing surface API of the device functions for surfaces of that type.


void my_device_modifying_function(Device device)
    // Ensure the device is properly reset
        // Try to acquire the device
    catch(CairoException e)

    // Release the device when done.

    // Do the custom operations on the device here.
    // But do not call any Cairo functions that might acquire devices.



Johannes Pfau cairoD
Andrej Mitrovic cairoD
cairo team cairo



cairoD wrapper/bindings Boost License 1.0
cairo LGPL 2.1 / MPL 1.1