Class ToyFontFace

Cairo toy font api's FontFace

Inherits from


Name Description
this Create a ToyFontFace from a existing cairo_font_face_t*. ToyFontFace is a garbage collected class. It will call cairo_surface_destroy when it gets collected by the GC or when dispose() is called.
this Creates a font face from a triplet of family, slant, and weight. These font faces are used in implementation of the the cairo "toy" font API.


Name Description
getFamily Gets the familly name of a toy font.
getSlant Gets the slant a toy font.
getWeight Gets the weight of a toy font.
createFromNative The createFromNative method for the FontFace classes. See for more information.
getType This function returns the C type of a FontFace. See FontType for available types.
checkError Method for use in subclasses. Calls cairo_font_face_status(nativePointer) and throws an exception if the status isn't CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS


Name Description
family convenience alias
slant convenience alias
weight convenience alias
type convenience alias


Name Description
CairoCountedClass!(cairo_font_face_t*, "cairo_font_face_")


Johannes Pfau cairoD
Andrej Mitrovic cairoD
cairo team cairo



cairoD wrapper/bindings Boost License 1.0
cairo LGPL 2.1 / MPL 1.1